Introducing a16z Crypto’s Groundbreaking ‘zkVM’ for Chain Scalability with ZK Proofs

a16z Crypto releases Jolt ‘zkVM’ to help scale chains with ZK proofs

Companies • April 9, 2024, 11:59AM EDT
UPDATED: April 9, 2024, 12:39PM EDT

A16z Crypto, the cryptocurrency-focused division of venture firm Andreessen Horowitz, has released Jolt, a zero-knowledge solution that it calls a “zkVM,” aiming to accelerate and streamline blockchain scaling operations.

At the heart of Jolt is the integration of a type of zero-knowledge proof called SNARKs (Succinct Non-Interactive Arguments of Knowledge), which facilitate scalable ZK-rollups in the Layer 2 space.

Jolt is described as a novel method to build virtual machines proven via SNARKs. This could allow developers to create fast SNARK-based Layer 2 solutions, according to the firm.

The team says that Jolt is “up to 2X faster” than the current zkVMs.

Jolt leverages SNARKs

SNARK-based solutions enable blockchains to offload a large portion of computational work. This technology ensures that computations are compressed and verified quickly, without the verifier needing to perform the computations themselves.

Jolt works alongside Lasso, which employs a “lookup argument,” resulting in a fast prover system for rollups.

Such a mechanism is crucial for enhancing the scalability of blockchain applications, as it facilitates the execution of complex operations off-chain while maintaining on-chain verification. This includes potential use cases in Layer 2 blockchains, cross-chain bridges, and other areas where efficient, verifiable computing is critical.

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